Large box contains all the items listed under the weeks menu
Weekly Vegetarian food Large box pricing : $90 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Vegan food Large box pricing : $90 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Non Vegetarian Large box pricing : $100 + tax (free delivery)
Large roti box contains all entrees listed and twenty rotis under the weeks menu
Weekly Vegetarian food Large roti box pricing : $95 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Non Vegetarian Large roti box pricing : $105 + tax (free delivery)
Small rice box contains any four items listed and two rice under the weeks menu
Weekly Vegetarian food Small box pricing : $60 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Non Vegetarian Small box pricing : $70 + tax (free delivery)
Small roti box contains any four items listed and ten rotis under the weeks menu
Weekly Vegetarian food Small roti box pricing : $65 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Non Vegetarian Small roti box pricing : $75 + tax (free delivery)
Extra Rotis $3 = 5 Rotis( add to any box)
Tax to be added is 7%
Weekly Vegetarian food Large box pricing : $90 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Vegan food Large box pricing : $90 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Non Vegetarian Large box pricing : $100 + tax (free delivery)
Large roti box contains all entrees listed and twenty rotis under the weeks menu
Weekly Vegetarian food Large roti box pricing : $95 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Non Vegetarian Large roti box pricing : $105 + tax (free delivery)
Small rice box contains any four items listed and two rice under the weeks menu
Weekly Vegetarian food Small box pricing : $60 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Non Vegetarian Small box pricing : $70 + tax (free delivery)
Small roti box contains any four items listed and ten rotis under the weeks menu
Weekly Vegetarian food Small roti box pricing : $65 + tax (free delivery)
Weekly Non Vegetarian Small roti box pricing : $75 + tax (free delivery)
Extra Rotis $3 = 5 Rotis( add to any box)
Tax to be added is 7%
Payments (Credit Card or Paypal)
You will need a credit card to pay for your order. We accept VISA and MASTERCARD only.
If you place an order via email you can send us your credit card detail and we will call you back to confirm your order.
If you call us we will take your order and card details over the phone and confirm your order right away.
You can also use Paypal to pay us (just need to send payment to our email address: [email protected])
If you place an order via email you can send us your credit card detail and we will call you back to confirm your order.
If you call us we will take your order and card details over the phone and confirm your order right away.
You can also use Paypal to pay us (just need to send payment to our email address: [email protected])